Corner Atins ride,,pt,Morning departure from the,,pt,vehicle 4,,pt,towards the National Park Maranhenses,,pt,Right at the beginning it is necessary to cross the river in a Sloths,,pt – Lençóis Maranhenses
RIDE 4X4,,pt,CORNER REACHED,,gl,Right at the beginning it is necessary to cross the Rio sloths on a ferry to access the trail that leads us to the town of Atins,,pt,During the trip we will see the small villages with its inhabitants and their simple life and quiet amidst nature,,pt,We will also see part of Morraria,,pt,name given by the oldest inhabitants of Barreirinhas to this wonderful natural monument of immense dunes,,pt,Arriving in Atins,,pt,We will enjoy this fishing village,,pt,Foz do Rio and sloths and wonderful Atins beach is practically deserted,,pt,After we traveled amid the village we take to the trail that leads to the corner of Atins,,pt,This place is located between the sea and the dunes of Lençóis and has two famous restaurants,,pt – CANTO DO ATINS LENÇÓIS MARANHENSES ROTEIRO: Saída pela manhã a partir das 08:00 em veículo 4×4 em direção ao Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses. Logo no inicio é necessário atravessar o Rio Preguiças em uma balsa para acessar a trilha que nos leva até o Povoado de Atins. During the trip we will see […]